How to make Coconut Ice Candy Recipe.
Buko Ice Candy Recipe. It’s Summer time again and refreshment stalls are everywhere. The ice craze is back! There’s a lot of refreshing coolers to choose from and Ice Candy “Agogo” is the most popular and super affordable of them all in the Philippines. Buko Ice candy is made with fresh young coconut meat, coconut water, sweetened condensed milk, fresh milk, sugar and cornstarch. Ice candy is prepared by mixing fruits, milk and sugar, then pour the mixture into Agogo wrapper and freeze until frozen. A delicious and addicting frozen treats to enjoy, especially during this hot summer.
Makes : 20
- 1 piece young coconut, scraped into strings
- 2 cups coconut water (buko juice)
- 1 tbsp. cornstarch
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
- 1½ cups evaporated or fresh milk
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
You also Need:
- A Ladle and a Funnel.
- Agogo Wrapper (I use “Texas” a narrow plastic bag)
Cooking Procedure:
- In a saucepan, combine 1 tablespoon of cornstarch into coconut water and stir until dissolved. Heat the mixture on medium heat until it starts to boil and turn to low and simmer for about 3-5 minutes just until it thickens like syrup. (Adding cornstarch is a method to make the ice becomes smooth and soft).
- Pour mixture into a large mixing bowl, add the sugar and stir until fully dissolves. Let it cool down a little bit before adding the remaining ingredients. Add in sweetened condensed milk, fresh milk and vanilla extract if desired. Stir thoroughly until well blended and add coconut strings and mix well. Taste test your mixture and add sugar if needed.
- Use a funnel and ladle and pour the mixture into each Agogo wrapper about 5 inches high. If you don’t have a funnel you can use a pitcher. Tie the top tightly and trim the plastic if desired. Arrange Agogo in the freezer and freeze until frozen. Serve Agogo anytime and enjoy!
Summer + Ice Candy = Happiness
Fresh and Delicious Coconut Strings
Kids will surely go crazy over Agogo even adults too! I guess age doesn’t matter, we all love to eat ice candy right? It brings back childhood memories. I remember the tantrums we had, all the spanking just to have 1 Peso to buy Agogo. And you have no idea how many times I cried over ice candy when I was a little. I can’t forget this incident, when I’m about to take my first bite and my older brother push me from behind, my ice candy drops on the sand and I accidentally step on it. I scream and cried so hard hehe… And wait! There’s more, nope, I’m not gonna tell you… LOL
Never tried this, wow a amazing treat I never heard of . Thank you
you’re welcome.
looks so yummy ready for the summer desserts 🙂
Yep 🙂
I have never seen these before! Awesome ,they look delicious 🙂 Thank you
you’re welcome.
omg thank you for this recipe.
you’re welcome.
This sounds good we love coconut and it doesnt seem too difficult. I am saving this one for when it gets warmer out.
Love the coconut in this ice candy.
Oh my goodness, this looks so good. I love to try new things, thanks for the recipe
I do it this summer thanks for the recipe
Why go to a kiosk when you can just make this delicious dish at home now! Thanks, perfect timing with summer right around the corner!
Fascinating I love learning new/about new things an ideas thanks for sharing
you’re welcome.
wow my favorite.thank you for this recipe will try it =)
you’re welcome
This is a simple recipe, yet very in demand this summer! I’ll make sure to make these ice candies one of these days!
Have a great day,it’s time to make it cool this summer with a great taste with a very simple recipe.more power GOD BLESS
Thanks! Be creative there’s a lot of fruits to choose from, get busy making cool summer treats, LOL
WOW! Thanks so very much for the Delicious Recipe on Buko Ice Candy Recipe! This sounds absolutely Wonderful!! It doesn’t sound too hard to make. The only problem I’d have is trying to find what I can pour the candy into to put in the freezer! I’ve never seen these Agogo Wrappers around here! I’d love to make it with the coconut and pineapple! It would be like eating frozen candy pina colada!!! Thanks so much for sharing this terrific recipe with all of us! I really do appreciate it! Thanks again! Michele 🙂
You can buy @ Amazon ( or you can make Buko Popsicles instead.
I love coconut ice candy. I just need to get those plastic wraps because I’d love these frozen treats especially in the summer.
Hi Tin, you can buy this plastic wrappers @ Amazon (
Ice candy is a good business this summer. 😀
I agree!
i’d lke to eat one
Wow~ This looks awesome! I will have to try the Buko Ice Candy Recipe with my grandchildren. Thanks so much!
This is so awesome.. perfect this summer.. i love buko flavor on ice candy.. super love it
hi! can i add all purpose cream in the recipe?
Yes the ice craze is definitely is back! this seems easy to make and looks very delicious. My kids will love this. thanks for sharing
you’re welcome 🙂
This looks perfect for a summer treat!
hala namiss ko to! my favorite ice candy flavor heheh!
hi Gorgeous your buko ice candy is look like deceiving like your eyes 🙂
Hi Japz, please try this recipe and you’ll get addicted with it 🙂